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1.What does ETO stand for?

ETO stands for Electro Technical Officer.

2.What does ETR stand for?

ETR stands for Electro Technical Rating.

3.What is PSC?

PSC stands for Port State Control.

4.What is the purpose of PSC inspection?

Safety and pollution prevention.

5.What will PSCO do when the ships certificate expires?

Detain the ship.

6.What a significant deficiency is found during PSC, what will PSCO do?

Detain the ship.

7.What will PSCOs check about electrical installations on board?

Generators, all electrical parts of engines and machinery .

8.What does SMS stand for?

SMS stands for Safety Management System.

9.What does ISM stand for?

ISM stands for International Safety Management code.

10.What does SSC stand for?

SSC stands for Ship Security Certificate.

11.What does ISPS stand for?

ISPS stands for International Ship and Port facility Security code.

12.What does SSO stand for in the ISPS Code?

SSO stands for Ship Security Officer.

13.What does CSO stand for in the ISPS Code?

CSO stands for Company Security Officer.

14.What does SOLAS stand for?

SOLAS stands for International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.

15.What does LIN stand for?

LIN stands for Local Interconnect Network.

16.What does LAN stand for?

LAN stands for Local Area Network.

17.What does STCW stand for?

International convention on standard of training, certification and watch-keeping for seafarers.

18.What are three levels regulated in the STCW convention?

Management level, operational level and support level.

19.What do you know about MARPOL?

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. It has 6 annexes.

20.What do you know about MLC/IMLC?

(International) Maritime Labor Convention.

21.What does EEBD stand for? What is the requirement?

EEBD stands for Emergency Escape Breathing Devices.
It will support breathing at least for 10 minutes.

22.What is EEBD used for?

EEBD is used for breathing in emergency.

23.What is the general emergency alarm signal?

Seven short blasts and one long blast.

24.What is the alarm signal for a man falling overboard?

Three long blasts.

25.What is the alarm signal for oil spill?

One short blast, two long blasts and one short blast, lasting one minute.

26.How many departments are there on board ship?

There are two departments: engine department and deck department.

27.Who is responsible for the engine department?

Chief engineer is responsible for the engine department.

28.Who is in charge of main engine?

Second engineer is in charge of main engine.

29.Who is in charge of the anti-pollution equipment on board?

Fourth engineer is in charge of the anti-pollution equipment on board.

30.Who will charge the lifeboat?

The ETO and fourth engineer will charge the lifeboat.

31.Who is in charge of the first aid equipment on board ship?

Surgeon or second officer (is in charge of the first aid equipment).

32.How do you treat the injured person who is not breathing?

Do first aid by mouth to mouth. (give artificial respiration)

33.How often will a boat drill be required to be executed on board?

Once a month.

34.How often do you perform security drills?

At least every three months.

35.How often should you perform fire-fighting drill and life-saving drill?

At least once a month.

36.In general, what is called bulk carrier?

A ship which can carry bulk cargoes.

37.What can a dry bulk carrier carry?

It can carry grain, sugar, steel, ore, sand and so on.

38.What is the function of a ferry?

A ferry can transfer people and cargo across the river or sea.

39.What does a Muster List show?

Muster stations, duties and alarm signals.

40.What should you do after hearing the fire alarm?

Act according to the Muster List.

41.As soon as you hear the fire and emergency signal, what should you ensure?

Act according to the Muster List.

42.How many types of extinguishers do you know?
List some.
Water, CO2, foam and dry powder.

43.What can not be used for an electric fire?

Water can not be used for an electric fire.

44.What are the three elements of fire?

They are fuel, heat and oxygen.

45.What should be done if you find a fire on board a ship?

For a small fire, put it out right away; for a large fire, sound the alarm (or report the bridge).

46.What shall a person first do if he discovers a fire?

For a small fire, put it out right away; for a large fire, sound the alarm (or report the bridge).

47.What does a fireman’s outfit include?

A fireman’s outfit includes fireman’s protective clothing(suit), fire boots, fire helmet, lifeline, fire axe, flame safety (explosion-proof) lamp and breathing apparatus.

48.What life-saving devices are equipped on board your ship?

Life boat, life raft, life jacket, lifebuoy and so on.

49.What are passengers advised to put on while abandoning the vessel?

Put on life jacket.

50.Please list deck machinery.
Windlass, mooring winch, crane, derricks and so on.

51.Please name at least three items of deck machinery.
Windlass, mooring winch, crane, derricks and so on.

52.What does anti-pollution equipment include?
Oily water separator, incinerator, sewage treatment plant.

53.What is the function of the oily water separator?
The function is to remove oil from the bilge water.

54.Why is the oily water separator alarming?
Oil content is over 15 ppm.

55.What is the oil content limit when pumping out the bilge?
Less than 15 ppm.

56.Where is the emergency generator located?
The emergency generator is (located) on the lifeboat deck.

57.Where is the emergency generator chamber arranged? Is it located in the machinery space?
It is located at the boat deck level.
No, it is outside the engine room.

58.What equipment should be first provided with electricity by emergency generator?
Steering gear, navigational aids, fire-fighting equipment and so on.

59.When will the generators be in parallel? Who will attend the parallel?
When berthing or unberthing. ETO or third engineer will attend.

60.What is used to connect a diesel engine and a generator?
Coupling is used to connect a diesel engine and a generator.

61.How do you test the engine for the lifeboat?
Check oil and water level, start the engine and then stop it.

62.How much do you know about marine propulsion?
It is made up of main engine, shafting system and propeller.

63.What is Power factor?
Phase difference between voltage and current.

64.What is used to test voltage?
A voltmeter or multi-meter is used (to test voltage).

65.How to detect the earthing fault of marine power system?
By meg-ohm meter.

66.How often are earthing resistances to be measured?
They are often measured monthly. For critical equipment, weekly. (Once a month, some are measured weekly).

67.In general, what will affect the earthing condition?
Dust, humid weather and rust (will affect the earthing condition).

68.What is used to grease the rotor of the motor?
Vaseline or grease oil is used (to grease the rotor of the motor).

69.How to maintain the insulation of the rotor and stator of the motor?
Keep the motor dry.

70.What is the importance of the insulation?
Bad insulation will cause breakdown and electric shocks.

71.How will you make initial decisions on the cause of electric failure for sockets or plugs?
Normally, the sockets or plugs are burnt or loose.

72.How to deal with blackout?
Ensure the emergency power supply, find the cause, repair and restore power supply.

73.How important is the instruction book from the manufacturer?
It is a guide on how to use the machine correctly.

74.What immediate actions should be taken for engine room flooding?
Sound alarm and pump water overboard.

75.If you found an oil spill in the sea, how would you react?
According to SOPEP, report to the nearest port authority, take action to control pollution and so on.

76.What can be used to clean up spilt oil in the event of oil spill?
Cotton wastes, rags, oil felt, saw dust.

77.What are materials for oil pollution prevention?
Cotton wastes, oil felt, saw dust, oil boom and so on.

78.How do you deal with garbage?
Gathering and sorting.

79.What does fresh water used for on board?
Fresh water is used for drinking, cooking, washing and so on.

80.What kinds of detectors are used on board?
Smoke detectors, heat detectors and flame detectors.

81.How long have you worked on board ship?
I have worked on board for two years.
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